FitPlot 5.1
2-Up Saddle Stitch
Think about a 100 pages PDF: you are able to use the 2-up Saddle imposition, then print front / back the result, but, when you goes to stitch, you realise that the pages thickness is too much to bend and stitch.The user who suggest me to find a solution, had 991 pages to print grouped in booklets by 24 pages (to give to the bookbinder), so a solution had to be found…
Reverse page order
Technically speaking, the imposition is done by few actions / procedures:
Reverse page order
2-Up Saddle Stitch is an imposition mode that is present in FitPlot since the first imposition implementation (FitPlot 2.5, 2008-05-31).
It has remained unchanged until now, when, on a user suggestion, I have introduced the option to group the imposition in groups (booklets).
Of course, there has always been the possibility to impose from page 1 to page X then from page X to Y … and then from Z to the end, but…
- (IBAction) checkImpo:(id) sender
has the task to control the user input in the imposition dialog. Based on user input, checkImpo calculates the number of empty pages to add (to complete the 24 pages booklet, in this case), to show the number of sheets needed etc.
- (IBAction) imposition:(id)sender
When Confirm is pressed, imposition is called. It is an intermediate action to leave things that worked unchanged (2-Up Perfect Bound and 2-Up Saddle Stitch with a sigle booklet as it was before).
The two old modes (just above mentioned) are then sent to the old action impose: (see below) while the 2-Up Saddle Stitch with booklet splitting has to enter a loop and at each cycle it calls impose: changing the Y (multiplying by the page vertical size).
- (IBAction) impose:(id) sender pdf:(FP_Image*) elem startingFromY:(float) Y
It works! Few changes in a well structured IBAction allowed to easily implement such useful new feature (and make happy Mr. Franco!).
The only problem, still unresolved, is that 991 pages means 41 loops of impose: and it is a pain to arrive at an end. Each impose: has its own undoManager and this cause a RAM and CPU payment in terms of process time.
But it works and, thanks to the 64 bit architecture, it doesn't crash (at least in my tests), just take a coffee while waiting.
But it works and, thanks to the 64 bit architecture, it doesn't crash (at least in my tests), just take a coffee while waiting.
Reverse page order
Asked from a friend from Pakistan, in its FitPlot customer review, it has been easy to introduce a reverse page order check box.
- (void) imponi: (NSInteger) sinistra
destra: (NSInteger) destra
dove: (NSPoint) quadrante
centrato: (NSPoint) centro
daElemento: (FP_Image*) elemento
conRotazione: (BOOL) rotazione
perLePagine: (NSRange) pagineEsistenti
Just introduced the inversione:(BOOL)inverti variable in the core of the imposition task and the reversion is obtained.
For what I understand, inversion means that the last page become first and so all other pager are exchanged symmetrically, obtained by the following simple function:
- (NSInteger) inverti:(NSInteger) numero specchia:(BOOL)specchia da:(int)impoDa a:(int)impoA
if (!specchia)
return numero;
return impoDa-1+impoA-1-numero;
I just need a confirmation that what I have done is right. The request was the following:
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